Cleveland Hiking Club

Cleveland, Ohio


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Instructions for Hike Leaders


Sending the List of Members on Your Hike
To the Recording Pathfinder

Mileage is recorded using a computer program that enters mileage into the spreadsheet directly from emails. As for the essays writers at, it's also possible to contact them via the email addresses that can be found at the site. If at all possible, please send the names of hikers using email to the Recording Pathfinder at:

Be sure to put the date of the hike and letter from the schedule (e.g. 30d or 3/30/05d) in the subject line of the e-mail. If you don’t have e-mail access, try to find someone on your hike that would be willing to send the names by e-mail for you. If you must use the US postal service, please send the list of names to:
Bob Maruna
33 Pinecrest Dr.
Bedford, OH 44146.
Bob will email the list to the Recording Pathfinder. In order for the computer program to run, e-mails have to be written in a certain format. The main format is to type the hike identification (date and letter from the schedule), number of members on the hike, number of miles, and leader’s name(s) before the list of hikers’ names. If there is more than one leader, be sure to list both/all of them before the list of names. The computer will identify the first name on the list as leader, and we will add any other names given before the list of names also as leaders when we enter the hike.

Also, if you lead a hike for someone else, please make a note saying who the scheduled leader was (also before the list of names). Then, type the list of names: type only one name on a line (e.g. couples listed separately, use only one column); type the first name first followed by the last name; single space the e-mail; do not number the names; and check the spelling of the last names. Include the hike identification (date and letter) in the subject line of the e-mail. Please use this format if you send your list to Bob Maruna.

A sample e-mail from a fictitious hike is listed below for illustration. Finally, send the names and addresses of any visitors on your hike to Alice Nelson ) .

Sample e-mail (from the fourth hike on March 30):

Hike 30d
Bob Shroy, leader
5 miles
8 members

Bob Shroy
Gayle Shroy
Jan Linert
Marsha Linert
Barb Appel
Leslie Telich
Shirley Cencula
Bill Miller


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